Readjusting: Week Two in the Studio

I’m feeling settled in my new studio space and I have enjoyed where the intimate space is taking my work. Good conversations with good, supportive peers always in earshot were the highlight of the week. I started off the week with a lot of preparatory work to make way for new things. While tidying up my new studio space, I found that a lot of my clay was now bone dry. I used the rest of what workable clay I had to add to the large sculpture I started last week. I certainly need a name for this form but as hard as I try, something catchy eludes me.

I discovered several colored porcelain nuggets that I made in undergrad while shuffling boxes. Over the course of two days I reconstituted it all and got sizable chunks of each color. I’m excited to see how these colorful materials will find their way into my work.

One huge benefit of my new space are my new studio mates, Molly and Sarah. We shared insightful conversations about life, what it means to be an artist, and career goals. Being supported is so invaluable and I have to really drive home how much interactions like this mean to me in the studio. There was talk of the art world, who is making the best work, and how many things may need to change. Dialogues that refine my verbal and visual vocabulary and inspire me to press on in my artistic endeavors.

In very typical Jooby fashion, I didn’t take a single damn picture this week and therefore have no pictures in this short book. I will post extras next week to make up for it.


Beeswax: Week Three in the Studio


Summers end: Week one In the Studio